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Ballast bed cleaning

Ballast bed cleaning

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Ballast bed cleaning

Plasser & Theurer ballast cleaning machine type RM 79.1.,

At present, we have one Plasser & Theurer ballast cleaning machine type RM 79.1., which was originally a two-way machine. We adjusted it so that it was only one-way and ran on the rail grate. Overall, we devote a lot of energy and effort to maintenance, which is reflected in the reliability of this machine. We have 8 MFS 40 wagons for the cleaning machine, each of them can hold 40 m3 of waste material. We have now ordered a new ballast cleaning machine from the Swiss manufacturer MATISA, which you can look forward to in the near future.

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Hrochostroj a.s.

K Vápence 2677
530 02 Pardubice - Zelené Předměstí

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